Pisces - Meen - 2010 Forecast Print
Written by Ashutosh   

Pisces - Meen - Moon Sign - 2010 - Forecast. 

pisces2010 begins with short term but frequent travels and increased pressure at work for Moon Sign or Janma Rashi Pisces (Meen) born and it ends with unprecedented gains related to work, money and social status. A rigorous but very beneficial year.

Take care of the health and expenses in the first half of 2010 and forget about all your worries in the second half.

Health: Pisces or Meen Rashi people are very prone to gain body weight from May onwards in 2010. Before May they be alert regarding sudden ailments troubling the liver, pancreas and lungs. 

They are advised to stay away from alcohol, drugs and other intoxicants. Any lack of control and results can be very disastrous.

The months from June to December 2010 are good for health. Eat well and exercise well. 

In February-March 2010 the Meen Rashi born people must be more cautious about their health.

Job: In job sector, the situation at work becomes more stressful for the Pisces (Meen) Moon Sign people. Their attempts to take up very diverse tasks at the same time can increase the workload and can also delay the ongoing projects. They are advised to focus on one task at a time and to take up the next work only when the one in hand has been completed.

In the first part of 2010 the Meen Rashi born will begin to feel harassed and their hard work unrecgnized by their superiors at work. Strangely, the more they work hard and attempt to get into the good eyes of their boss, the more things will get worse. The key is to not to work too hard and to keep doing the work at the earlier normal pace. 

There will be efforts to get into own enterprise or some freelance work while keeping the present job too.

Better job offers will come in February, July and September 2010. 

Business: Pisces or Meen Rashi born people are going to break all previous rules in business. Their heightened ambitions and desires to do something different will make them more restless but highly enterprising. The previous enterprise will go on but the focus of energy, efforts and investments will shift to the new ones. 

The first four months will bring increased expenses on explorations of new business opportunities and on establishment of new ventures. 

The months from May to December 2010 will prove to be highly beneficial in terms of success in business ventures. Profits will increase and productivity will exceed expectations. That will be the time to give the maximum efforts to make the business grow as planned.  

Those Pisces Rashi people who are in manufacturing sector and who trade in metals, leather and wood products will do very well in 2010. 

Labour unrest can stall the productions and business flow in March and May 2010. Handle such crisis with patience and try to buy time. These difficulties will go away by June 2010.

Overall, 2010 is a very good and gainful year for Pisces moon sign born entrepreneurs.  

Wealth: For Pisces Rashi people, the first half of the year 2010 brings more expenses than income. There will be investments on commercially viable real estate for business purposes in March-April of 2010.

Meen Rashi born people must keep themselves controlled as far as expenditures are concerned in 2010. Parties, travels, good food and luxury trips will empty the pockets. 

In the second half of 2010, monetary gains will be more than the losses. Assets will increase. Investments in real estate, stocks and bonds will almost double by December 2010. 

Education: For the Meen Rashi born students the months from January to June 2010 can be highly disappointing. Those who are appearing for important exams during this time must work harder and they must avoid being distracted from their studies due to trivial temptations.

There can be disputes and serious differences of opinions with the teachers. Attempts to take help of unethical and unapproved means to score better marks can prove to be quite damaging for the reputations and the studies in the educational institution. 

The year from May 2010 onwards is excellent for studies. Pisces Rashi born people, can attempt to fulfill their ambitions for higher studies in August, November and December. Examinations for admissions to prestigious educational institutions and for getting scholarships will prove to be quite easy to clear in 2010 second half.   

Real Estate: Pisces Rashi people should not invest or sell any commercial real estate they own before June 2010. They can sell of buy commercial property in September and October 2010. 

Property for personal residential use can be bought in July and in October 2010. October is also favorable for moving from present residence to the newly bought one.  

Vehicle: February will bring some sudden expenditure on the existing vehicle. Though Meen Rashi people have been attempting to replace the existing vehicle since mid 2009 this will actually happen only in September-October 2010. 

Drive carefully and avoid drinking and driving in January and in March 2010. 

Love: Love gets sweeter when it has been kept a secret. This is what Pisces moon sign born will go by in 2010. Secret affairs will bring extra thrill in life. 

The favorable months for looking out for the romantic partners are July and October 2010. Love will be found quite effortlessly very near to home. 

Marriage: For the Pisces moon sign born the months of June, October and November2010 are the time for entering into serious, meaningful and stable relationships. Those who are planning to get married will do so during this period. 

Jupiter bestows its blessings for the Pisces born people in last eight months of 2010. A marital relationship formed during this time will be full of devotion, commitment and deep affection.  

Family: For Pisces Rashi born people last two years have not been good in terms of relations with parents. 2010 improves this a lot in later part of the year after some initial aggravation of the mutual disagreements in the first four months. These four months can see the health of the father requiring more attention than usual.

The last eight months of 2010 are quite beneficial for improving the family affairs. Parents will become more amicable and there will be mutual agreements on some earlier subjects of dispute. 

Spouse will keep good health in 2010. Those Meen Rashi born who have been facing marital discord earlier will find the happiness in marriage returning in 2010. 

Relations with siblings will also improve in 2010. In October, November and December 2010 family members will enjoy family functions and reunions. 

2010 first five months are not favorable for giving birth to a child. Those who are expecting a child before June 2010 should keep themselves under proper medical supervision. 

But, the later months are highly favorable for extending the family through child birth or through adoptions.

Travels: Meen Rashi people will travel far and wide in 2010. These travels can take a toll on health.The health problems due to travel fatigue will bother more from January to April 2010.

In the latter part of the year the traveling will be done more for religious purposes than for pleasure or for work.

Remedies: Donate Red, Black, Green and Grey colored garments, sweets, black pulses, black sesame seeds, etc to the needy in 2010. Such donations if done on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Saturdays will give more benefits.

Keep fasts on Tuesdays in first half of 2010. Eat one full meal and take fruits or milk at other meal times. Avoid salt intake on Tuesdays.

Avoid wearing Red colored clothes in first half of 2010. And, avoid Black and Grey clothes throughout 2010. Wear more of Yellow, White and Brown.

Wear a Yellow Sapphire in gold ring on index finger. You can also wear a Pearl in silver ring on little finger.



Jyotish Biz Moon Sign Forecasts 2010